Friday, July 25, 2008

Wish you could see...

how unbelievably adorable my toothless son is right now. He has an empty tic tac container filled with pretzel pieces (that he broke up and put in himself). He has this little box in his pocket and he keeps coming up to me with this earnest, beautiful face telling me I can have ONE more tit tat, mama. As he digs in his pocket with pudgy fingers, opens it up, taps one out and feeds me.

It's stuff like this...the sweet thoughtful gestures they make for me daily that makes it all so worth while. Oh...and his toes are painted dark purple! Hehe!!


Anonymous said...

That is the sweetest thing! :)

Angie said...

Summer... so sorry to hear about your friend and his girlfriend. That really sucks to say the least! I'm happy to hear Jack's mouth is getting better. I just LOVE when they do sweet little things like that. It's those things that will keep you sane in the trying times.